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Coconut: Production and Protection Technology

R C Mandal (Author)
Synopsis This book "Coconut Production and Protection Technology" presents a comprehensive information on the coconut palm and its products will be useful to planters, research and extension workers and also general readers. It covers all aspects of coconut cultivation including origin, botany, area and production climatic requirements, production of planting materials, variety and breeding, its physiology and micro-biology, its cultural, manurial and irrigational requirements etc. This manual has practical approach and economic understanding for increasing production and to realise crop protection.
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About the author

R C Mandal

Dr. R.C. Mandal after receiving his M. Sc. (Ag) degree in agronomy from Agra University in 1957, Dr. Mandal devoted to teaching for sometime and then to transfer to technology for 5 years. During 1960, he entered into research under Indian Council of Agricultural research and continued in various capacities. In 1969, he received Ph.D. Degree in agronomy from Agra University. He has vast experience on agronomic improvement of various crops. He was deputed by Govt. of India in Fiji from 1973-75 as an expert and guide on Agronomy and gained experience abroad. The author made intensive studies on various herbicides to control weeds in various crops. In research management and research administration also, he worked in administration also, he worked in various capacities as head of Division in Agronomy, as Project Coordinator (Tuber Crops), as Joint director (Research complex) and also as Director-in-charge (Tuber Crops and Cashew). He has research experience for 25 years, extension 3 years and research management 12 years. Dr. Mandal has published over 60 research and technical papers. He is member of Indian Societies of Agronomy, Plantation Crops, Root Vegetables and Weed science.  

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Bibliographic information

Title Coconut: Production and Protection Technology
Author R C Mandal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition Reprint.
Publisher Agrobios (India)
Language: English
isbn 8177540661
length 168p., Tables; Plates; Figures; References; Index; 23cm.