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Advances in Aquatic Ecology, Volume 6

Vishwas B Sakhare (Editor)

Advances in Aquatic Ecology Volume 6 provides 38 articles on recent researchers on Mangrove biodiversity, Fish biology, water pollution, Planktonology, pollution studies etc.

With its application oriented and interdisciplinary approach the book would be immensely useful to students teachers researchers scientists, policy makers, environmental lawyers and others interested in aquatic ecology.

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About the author

Vishwas B Sakhare

Dr. Vishwas Balasaheb Sakhre, born in the year 1974, took his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded (Maharashtra) and postgraduate course Inland Fisheries development and administration from central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university; Aurangabad (Maharashtra) selected Dr. Sakhare as a research guide in the subject of Zoology. Dr. Sakhare is presently working as lecturer in Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Yogeshwari College, Ambajogai (Maharashtra). Besides teaching, he has done significant work on reservoir fisheries management and limnology and has published 22 research papers in national and international journals, apart from this, over 30 popular articles in science magazines and newspapers. He is the recipient of fellowship of the Indian Association of Aquatic Biologists. Dr. Sakhare is also an active member of several scientific societies. He is working as an associate editor of ‘SAROVAR’ a newsletter of South East Asia Network on Lakes and reservoirs (SASANET L and R). He is a well-known fisheries consultant providing technical guidance to fisheries co-operatives engaged in reservoir fishing. He has participated in many symposia and workshops. Dr. Sakhare is also a recognized post-gradate teacher of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. He is the Author of some books like ‘Ecology of Lakes and reservoirs’ and ‘reservoir Fisheries and Limnology’.

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Bibliographic information

Title Advances in Aquatic Ecology, Volume 6
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.08.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788170357827
length xv+345p., Colour Plates; Figures; Tables.