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Uses of Bryophytes

Dinesh Saxena (Author) Janice M. Glime (Author)
Synopsis The present book is intended to furnish consolidated information about the utility of bryophytes. The latest work has been referenced to bring the matter upto date. The book is primarily intended to be utilized as a valuable reference book for the student of graduate, post graduate, and research level studies and also to the common people. The book comprises information about ecology, industrial, medicinal, ornamental, and nutritional importance of bryophytes growing round the world. The authors are indebted to all the workers in the field whose references which run into 20 pages have been cited in the text and due to whose help the book could be brought to its present from. The authors have tried to present the information which is studded with forty diagrams on uses of bryophytes in sufficiently interesting style that students can read it and get an overview of large areas related to possible uses of bryophytes.
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About the authors

Dinesh Saxena

Dinesh Kumar Saxena born on 20th October 1950. He has joined as faculty member in Bareilly College, Bareilly (U.P.) in 1974 and since then he is teaching Bryophytes and Pleridophytes. Dr. Saxena took his Ph.D. Degree under late Prof. Ram Udar and published more than 30 papers in different Journals and now actively engaged on Ecology of Bryophytes of Kumaon region. He has also visited to many parts of the world in connection with his research assignments.

Janice M. Glime

Janice Glime was born in Cumberland, Maryland, USA on 27 January 1941. She received a B.S. in elementary education from Frostburg State University in Maryland in 1962, and M.S. in biology from West Virginia University in Morgantown in 1964, and a Ph.D. in botany (ecology) from Michigan State University in East Lansing in 1968. She taught at Michigan State University (East Lansing) and Plymouth State College in New Hampshire before joining the faculty of Michigan Technological University in 1973, where she is now Professor of Biology. Dr. Glime has published more than fifty papers on bryophytes. She was founding editor of the Techniques Notebook of The Bryological Times and currently serves as founding editor of the Ecology Column of The Bryological Times, Associate Editor of Hikobia, and Associate Editor of the Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. She was editor of Methods in Bryology (Proceedings of the Methods Workshop of the International Association of Bryologists), published by the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, and is founder, and is founder of the Midwest Bryological Forays. Dr. Glime has dedicated much of her professional life to making bryology more accessible to amateurs and beginners. She is currently publishing a series of papers on common names of bryophytes in Evanisa and is preparing a publication on the mosses of Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA.

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Bibliographic information

Title Uses of Bryophytes
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1991
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170194066
length iv+iv+100p., Plates; Figures; Index; 25cm.