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Quaternary Studies in The Manipur Valley

Thokchom Angou Singh (Author)

This book presents results of the investigations carried out in the Manipur valley to understand the nature and the complexity of Quaternary sediments and their stratigraphic correlation; unravel the environment of deposition; and compare the nature of the Quaternary records of the Manipur valley with that of the rest of Northeast India, intermontane basins of the Himalayan regions and other tropical regions, especially Southeast Asia.

Field data presented here are collected through extensive surveys, and field works carried out by various several other agencies in Manipur. Quaternary units were mapped on the basis of their weathering character and morphology; sub-surface data were collected from the different government official sources; and pertinent laboratory analyses were carried on the soil sediment samples. In order to reconstruct the chronology of the Quaternary formation, the tectonic movements and climate changes in Manipur valley during the Neogene have also been discussed. The Quaternary deposits of Manipur valley developed due to various complex processes. In absence of palaeontological evidence and paucity of absolute dating a sincere attempt has been made on the basis of altemetric position, geomorphic processes and forms, degree of weathering, archaeological finds; and a few absolute dates.

This book highlighting the importance of Quaternary studies in prehistoric archaeology will certainly be of great help to the historians, geomorphologists, archaeologists and research scholars working on Manipur in particular and Northeast India in general.

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About the author

Thokchom Angou Singh

Dr Thokchom Angou Singh (b. 1949) did his MA in Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology from the Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune and Ph.D. in Archaeology from the Poona University. He extensively worked in the remote places and hilly areas of Manipur and participated in the geoarchaeological and palaeo-environmental studies in the Thar desert, Rajasthan.

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Bibliographic information

Title Quaternary Studies in The Manipur Valley
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.08.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788188934911
length xix+170p., 43 Figures; 29 B/W Illustrations; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.