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Snapshots in Dermatology

S Sacchidanand (Author) Savitha A S (Author) Shilpa K (Author)

Dermatology is a visual field. Dermatological diseases express themselves on the skin with varied manifestations. It is likely that a single disease can present with different manifestations. It is also likely that different dermatological diseases can manifest with similar clinical presentations. Many systemic diseases also have cutaneous manifestations. Since all dermatological diseases and dermatological manifestations of systemic disease have a limited pattern of expression, overlapping features are inevitable. Hence, in a given situation on first instance, it may become difficult for undergraduates, postgraduates and residents to identify a clinical condition. Snapshots in Dermatology is an attempt to orient beginners to readily acquaint with common skin conditions. This book serves the purpose as a ready reckoner during ward rounds and out-patient clinics. Practicing dermatologists may also find it useful.

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Bibliographic information

Title Snapshots in Dermatology
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2013
Edition 1st. Ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789350904596
length 882p., 4" X 5.75"