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Sakti's Revolution: Origins and Historiography of Indic Fierce Goddesses

Donna Jordan (Author)

Sakti's Revolution: Origin and Historiography of Indic Fierce Goddesses chronicles the historical evolution of Hindu and Buddhist Fierce, Kali-like goddesses and their devotees, from the Indus Valley civilization, c. third millennium BCE, to the present. The author documents and analyzes the undercurrents of misogyny, greed, and violence - the demonic forces against which Sakti wages warfare - that have formed the historiography of fierce goddesses in India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sakti's Revolution: Origins and Historiography of Indic Fierce Goddesses
Author Donna Jordan
Format Hardcover
Date published: 02.07.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788121511926
length 515p.