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Educational Measurement and Evaluation

Tina Jain (Author)

The book meets the need of the students and the teachers. It covers the syllabus for B.Ed and M.Ed trainees and hence will be a great help for them. Not only this but the researchers proceeding for their Ph.D would also find this book to be useful. Apart from this in general also it can be a great help to a teacher, parents and the layman to solve their problems and the problems related to their children. Also the book covers all the aspects, considering the requirements of teaching learning process, and the society as a whole. It includes processes, methods, taxonomy of educational objectives, psychological tests, clarification of norm and criterion reference tests and quality measurement, tools for measurement and evaluation and statistics used to evaluate.

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Bibliographic information

Title Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Author Tina Jain
Format Hardcover
Date published: 13.06.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788131314876
length xvi+144p.