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Munda: Sub-Stratum of Tibeto-Himalayan Languages

D.D. Sharma (Author)
Synopsis The present volume seven of the series, ‘Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages? presents a detailed account of strikingly conversing phonological, morphological and syntactic features of Munda and Himalayan languages belonging to two ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous groups of people of the Indian sub-continent, presently inhabiting distant lands, thousands of miles away from one another and intervened by people of different ethnic and linguistic stocks. The linguistic details, with plethora of examples from both the linguistic groups, presented here, may not only be of special interest to linguist, but to historians and anthropologists as well, interested in the study of the people, inhabiting Himalayan regions of Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal. As such, it is hoped that these undisputable linguistic evidences presented here will inspire scholars of relevant disciplines to undertake the task of unearthing of the pre-historic mystery of the inhabitation of these Himalayan regions by the speakers of the Austro-Asiatic languages, who have left an everlasting deep impact on these Himalayan languages and of the circumstances which coupled them to leave their this Himalayan home.
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About the author

D.D. Sharma

Prof. D.D. Sharma (b. 1924) is a renowned scholar of Sanskrit and Linguistics. Besides a PhD in Sanskrit from the Benaras Hindu University, PhD and D.Litt in Linguistics from the Panjab University, Chandigarh - where he served or nearly 28 years - he holds diplomas in French, German and Persian. He also earned the highest Oriental title of Sahityacarya.

Prof. Sharma is well acquainted with nearly two dozen Indian and foreign languages and has to his credit 48 research volumes and scores of research papers on the subjects of different languages, cultures and literatures.

He was awarded the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship (1984-86) to undertake the linguistic survey of the Himalayan languages from Ladakh in the west to Bhutan in the east.

On his retirement (1989), he was awarded Emeritus Fellowship by the UGC for the completion of his 12-volume research project on Himalayan languages, of which 10 volumes have already appeared. He is also working on a 9-volume project on Socio-Cultural History of Uttarakhand, of which 5 volumes have already been published. His ambitious project, Cultural Encyclopaedia of Uttarakhand (5 Vols.) is also under preparation.

The present volume is an outcome of the research project for which he was awarded the Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowship for the years 2001-2003 by IGNCA.

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Bibliographic information

Title Munda: Sub-Stratum of Tibeto-Himalayan Languages
Author D.D. Sharma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170998603
length xii+102p., Tables; References; Bibliography; 23cm.