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Mass Communication: Principles and Practices

B K Chaturvedi (Author) S K Mittal (Author)
Synopsis The book entitled Mass Communication: Principles and Practices is a comprehensive and critical study of the different dimensions of the process of communication. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television and, of course, the internet are the vital ingredients of mass communication. It is remarkable to point out that the application of some form of media is the hallmark of the discipline of mass communication. The distinguishing feature of this book is that it has given particular attention to the role of mass media in the context of India. All the major developments in the field of mass communication have been discussed and examined with a particular reference to India. As a matter of fact, this book provides the thorough study of mass media and its impact and relevance for India.

The authors have made serious and sincere effort to incorporate all the key elements of mass communication both from the theoretical as well as empirical perspectives. This work is an invaluable source of knowledge for the graduate and post-graduate students undertaking mass communication.
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Bibliographic information

Title Mass Communication: Principles and Practices
Format Hardcover
Date published: 12.04.2011
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788182203280