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Neem: Herbal Medicinal Plant

M P Singh (Author) Vivek Kumar (Author)
Synopsis The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is a tropical evergreen plant native to east India and Burma. It grows in much of Southeast Asia and West Africa. In modern research concerns it gains equally high preference due to the potential of using neem derivatives such as leaf extract, oil, seed kernel extract, for preparation of environment friendly `soft-herbicides'. Not only these conventional approaches limit the potential exploitation of the neem plant, but also some new fascinating areas were open for further research, and one of them is to explore the entophytic microbial diversity.
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About the authors

M P Singh

Dr. M.P. Singh, Head of the Department of Forest Sciences, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) earned his mater's degree in Botany with specialization in Taxonomy and after his PH.D degree in Floristic from Patna University and Diploma in Forestry from Forest Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun. He is a fellow in Life Sciences of Mendelian Society of India, Patna. Besides teaching Dr. Singh has been engaged with independent research in Project of Government of India as Principal investigator. He is noted Taxonomist of the country and have about twenty one years of long experiences. He is an advisor to the Government of India for whole Eastern Region on Horistic research and member of FLORA INDIA. He is the Editor of Journal "New Botanist" for forestry sector. He has published eight books in Botany, Forestry and on Environmental Sciences and also published eighty five research papers in National/International Journals. He has also guided a number of Scholar for award of Ph. D. degree in Botany as well as in Forestry. He is one of the member of Botanical Survey of India in a Research Selection Committee. He has extensively travelled in India and abroad in conection to floristic studies.

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Vivek Kumar

Dr. Vivek Kumar, Assistant Professor at the Center for the Study of Social Systems/School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, was born in a Dalit family in Lucknow. He completed his Ph.D. in Sociology from the same university where he is teaching. He was a lecturer in the Unit for Sociology of Education, TataInstitute of Social Science, Mumbai for a brief period. He also worked for The Pioneer an English daily and Hindi weekly, Pioneer Saptahik, published from Lucknow and New Delhi simultaneously. Dr. Vivek has contributed number of research papers in the books and Journals. He is author of Dalit Assertion and Bahujan Samaj Party. He attended the International Confernece against Racism held at Durban in South Africa in the year 2001. His major area of specialisation is Social Stratification and Social Movements.

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Bibliographic information

Title Neem: Herbal Medicinal Plant
Format Hardcover
Date published: 29.03.2011
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9380995083, 9789380995083
length viii+232p., Illustrations; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.