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Be Your Own Doctor with Foot Reflexology

D R Gala (Author) Dhiren Gala (Author) Sanjay Gala (Author)
Synopsis Of late, a lot of public interest has been aroused in reflex zone therapy (reflexology). Disillusioned with medicines, more and more people are looking for alternative modes of treatment. To satisfy their curiosity and to meet their needs, a number of books on reflexology have sprung up.

This therapy has become contaminated with mistruths and unreasonable claims of efficacy. Many of these books are chatty, repetitive, sometimes confusing and usually chock-full of unproved statement and facile explanations. And a few books even venture to prescribe Ayurvedic, Biochemic and Homoeopathic medicines. Come to think of it: A book on reflexology suggesting medicinal treatment to people who are tired of medicines.

Naturally, such books tend to antagonize scientifically trained minds. It is for this reason that reflexology has not found favour with qualified doctors. Thus, its development and advancement have been hindered.

This is truly a ‘do-it-yourself’ book. There is nothing complex or difficult about the techniques described. They are well within the reach of any person, even the most untrained or the one without any previous medical knowledge.
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Bibliographic information

Title Be Your Own Doctor with Foot Reflexology
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8124305137
length 145p., 22cm.