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Coastal Hazards

O P Varma (Editor) G V Rajamanickam (Editor) Eugene Wilson (Editor)
Synopsis The International Conference on  "Coastal Hazards", was organised by the Department of Disaster Manangement, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, jointly with the Indian Geological Congress, from February 9/11/2005. It has been maiden event on the theme on "Coastal Hazards" ever held in India. More than 100 participants, including one each from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh attended the programme. The conference was sponsored by 15 government and public and private sectore industries, including DST, DOD and ONGC, in particular.

The conference focussed on man-made coastal & marine pollution, and natural hazards-cyclone, tornado, hurricane, storm, king-tide, tidal surge, sea-wave, sea-erosion, sea-level oscillation, cliff slumping, coastal inundation, sea-water ingression, depletion of coastal aquifers, etc., and aimed at establishing such measures, which could help reduction of occurrences, and minimization of adverse impacts of these hazards, appreciating that any progress of local, regional, national, or glolbal sustainable development, in the larger context, would be a misnomer without having deep insight into the methods of protection, proper risk assessment, and  efficient management.

This special volume on "Coastal Hazards", containing twenty-four papers, is divided into five sections, sequentially arranged on the discussed topics of Tsunamis, Cyclone and Storm Surge, Coastal Erosion and Environment Degradation, Urbanization, and Coastal Ground Water Manangement, and Mitigation of Hazards.
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About the authors

O P Varma

O.P. Verma is an accoplished geoscientist, deeply motivated to serve the cause of geosciences and IGC (India) to grow as a world-class scientific association. He has been its Hony.Editor for over two-and-a-half decades, besides being its President for the years, 1998 & 1999, and since its formation as a Society, promoter of its growth and development with extraordinary passion. To his credit there are several thematic volumes and innumerable scientific contributions.

G V Rajamanickam

G.V. Rajamanickam is presently Director (Research) in Sri Sairara Group of Institutions, Trambaram, Chennai, Previously in SASTRA University, Thanjavur, he was the Dean and the Founder of the Centre for Advanced Research in the Indian System of Medicine (CARISM); there he also served as Head & Professor of the Department of Disaster Management.

Eugene Wilson

Eugene Wilson is currently working in the National Institute of Indian Medical heritage, Hyderabad. Earlier, he served as Senior  Lecturer in SASTRA University, Thanjavur, for over 5 years. There he provided commendable suppport to the establishment of the Centre for Advanced Research in the Indian System of Medicine (CARISM) at SASTRA.

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Bibliographic information

Title Coastal Hazards
Format Hardcover
Date published: 15.12.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length xiv+301p., Illustrations; Maps; 25cm.