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Unani: The Science of Graeco-Arabic Medicine

Jamil Ahmad (Author) Ashhar Qadeer (Author) Arundhati Roy Chowdhury (Editor)

This book takes the reader to the beginnings of medical science in ancient Greece and traces its subsequent journey into the 8th-century Arab world and the birth of a new system called Unani. There is also an informative chapter on home remedies which can be safely tried by readers as Unani medicine prescribes drugs which originate in nature. Includes many color illustrations.

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About the author

Jamil Ahmad

Jamil Ahmad is Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Hamdrad University, New Dehli. He also happens to be one of the very few famous Unani physicians in the world. Hakim Ashhar Qadeer is Lecturer and consultant physician in the Faculty of Medicine in Hamdard University, New Dehli.

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Bibliographic information

Title Unani: The Science of Graeco-Arabic Medicine
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Lustre Press
Language: English
isbn 8174360522
length 84p., Col. Illustrations; 21x24cm.