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Information Research in Social Sciences

Ganapathi Shinde (Author)
Synopsis Information is the basic necessity of mankind and is a valuable input for research. The book explores the role of various information resource in supporting research in social sciences. This book will help in understanding of the awareness, use, availability, usefulness and problems of specify types of primary, secondary, tertiary sources and human, institutional social and mass media including non-bibliographic in print and electronic form among social scientists in a university environment and it will have significance in design, planning and development of information resources in print, non-print, microforms, electronic form including the use of internet resources for making provisions for library and information services to scientists. This will enable in promoting the use of information sources including the provision of special training in the use of the information sources among social scientists and developing skills in searching to meet their nascent information needs.
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About the author

Ganapathi Shinde

Dr. Ganapathi Shinde is Deputy Librarian of Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka. He holds M.A., L.L.B, M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D. having rich working experience of 20 years serving in College and University environment. He has published several papers in national and international journals and conferences. He visited Izmer, Turkey; Greece, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka on academic assignment and invitations. He is actively involved in promoting librarianship serving as President of Gulbarga Division Library Associan and active life member of ILA, IASLIC and IATLIS.

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Bibliographic information

Title Information Research in Social Sciences
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189065289, 9788189065287
length vi+149p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; 22cm.