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Reading Gandhi: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Gandhian Political Philosophy

O.P. Gauba (Author)
Synopsis Reading Gandhi by Dr. O.P. Gauba is intended to be a study in the interpretation of Gandhian political philosophy. It examines the nature and relevance of political thought, approaches to interpretation, particularly textual and contextual approaches, followed by an indepth study of the significance of Hind Swaraj. concept of Satyagraha, Gandhian critique of modern civilization, alternative vision of modernity, his views on nationalism, communal unity, regeneration of women, removal of untouchability, and the vision of ideal social order.

It also introduces Gandhian thought on ends and means, politics and ethics, truth and non-violence, rights and duties, vision of a classless society, doctrine of trusteeship, concepts of Sarvodaya, Swaraj and secularism in the context of Indian as well as Western political philosophy. Finally, it includes the comparative study of Gandhi and Ambedkar, Gandhism and Marxism, Gandhism and Neo-Marxism, Gandhism and Rawls's Theory of Justice, with a critical appraisal.

Each argument is based on Gandhi's own writings or the standard writings on Gandhi. Each chapter is written as an independent essay, in a reader friendly style. Intricate concepts are elucidated through explanatory diagrams, flow charts and comparative charts. On the spot definitions of difficult terms, historical references and some prominent quotations are given in boxes. It is hoped that this book will gain a unique place in the existing literature on Gandhian social and political thought.
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About the author

O.P. Gauba

Dr. O.P. Gauba studied at D.A.V. College, Dehradun where he obtained B.A. degree in Philosophy, English Literature and Hindi Literature and M.A. degrees in Sociology and Political Science (from Agra University). In 1977 he obtained Ph.D. degree in Political Science from Delhi University on 'The Concept of Social Justice with special reference to the Indian Constitutions'. He taught undergraduate, Hons. and postgraduate classes in Delhi University from 1967 to 2004. Presently he is working as a full time writer and lexicographer. His prominent published works include: An Introduction to Political theory (MacMillan); Dimensions of Social Justice; Constitutionalism in a Changing Perspective; Encyclopedia of Political Thinkers (English-Hindi); Conceptual Dictionary of Political Science (English-Hindi); and Conceptual Dictionary of the Social Science (English-Hindi).

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Bibliographic information

Title Reading Gandhi: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Gandhian Political Philosophy
Author O.P. Gauba
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121403227
length vi+189p., 25cm.