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Agriculture and Food Economics

Mridula Mishra (Author)
Synopsis Agriculture in many developing and developed countries has become the lifeline of multitude of countries has become the lifeline of multitude of population. In View of the rapid urbanization, land fragmentation, the agricultural productivity as compared to with rising growth in population is shrinking and survival is being viewed difficult day all over the world are undergoing research on seeds and many improved varieties of seeds have been researched in order to increase agricultural production. Therefore, these high yielding varieties of hybrid seeds are experimented all over the work. Not only the research on seeds, other agricultural scientific implements and machinery are invented and improved in order to revolutionize the traditional methods of agriculture. Irrigation methods are also very important to get good crops in all seasons. All types of crops need watering, manures, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides to grow a healthy crop as compared to cost factor.

The present publication on agriculture and food economics is a timely publication for agricultural scientists, education farmers, policy framers on agriculture, food security and agricultural equipment and machinery,

This compendium of thirty-one well researched and informative articles of agricultural scientists on multiple subjects of agriculture and food economics are very valuable. Many of these articles had been presented on international for a on agriculture and food economics. The scope of this book is very wide in the sense it covers Africa, including South Africa, Asian Subcontinent, Nigeria, Eritrea, Malaysia, Bangladesh, European Union Countries, Cameroon, Zimbabwe and Pakistan.

These articles written by well known agriculturists who have discussed various models to illustrate the right perspective of the subject matter. These articles are store-house of wide range of information in the field of agriculture and food economics which can be referred to for referential purposes. The Research Scholars also can make use of the encyclopedic information in their future work.

Therefore, the book is highly useful for agriculture students, agriculture scientists, research scientists, agricultural universities, and agricultural university libraries and information centres, policy planners of agriculture and food economics.
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About the author

Mridula Mishra

Dr. Mridula Mishra, post graduated from the Lucknow University in Economics and she was awarded the Ph.D degree in Economics from Kanpur University. To her credit, she has various published papers, three research scholars have already been admitted to the Ph.D degree under her supervision. She has been teaching Post graduate classes in Economics for more than 15 years in the Department of Economics and Rural Development, Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad. She was associated with different development committee of Uttar Pradesh. She is a specialist in Reader position in the Department of Economics and Rural Development, Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad, U.P., India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Agriculture and Food Economics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2010
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788183873444
length xiii+616p., Tables; Maps; Figures; Index; 23cm.