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Kashmiri Shawls and Carpets

Buzz Burza (Author) Vidhu Ganjoor (Author)
Synopsis For countless thousands of years, Kashmir's location on the Silk Road insured it was a centre for trade, ideas, communication, and progress. Kashmir imported designs, products and concepts and improved them.

The blaze of the sun, the mountain peaks, the clean air combined with the variegated flora has produced vibrant hues that are bright and deep. The colours found in the vast range of flowers are reflected in the chromatic breadth and depth of both Kashmiri shawls and carpets and the meticulous care used in their weaving. The flowers and vines of the garden live on through the wondrous dyes used on yarn. The judicious application of silk fibre in weaving carpets creates the everlasting sheen found in Kashmiri carpets.

The shawl and carpet production of Kashmir remains paramount in the world. Techniques have been perfected over many centuries of producing the finest of products. If you want to buy a shawl or carpet, buy it here. Kashmiris make them in Kashmir and they are made for you.
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Bibliographic information

Title Kashmiri Shawls and Carpets
Format Softcover
Date published: 19.10.2009
Edition Revised ed.
Language: English
isbn 8190718028
length 104p., 217 Color Plates.