Rgvedic Culture
A voluminous and important book on the ancient culture of Vedic times by a well-known India writer A.C. Das was first published in 1918 and had been out of print since long. Prof. A.C. Das has very convincingly established that the original cradle of Rigvedic culture was seated in ancient Sapta-Sindhu of the Punjab, which included Kasmir, Gandhara and Bactria. Das depicts ten different period of Vedic culture which are based on the account of different clause, classes, tribes pastural existence, village life, industries, social intercourse and trade etcetra. In addition, on the basis of distribution of land and water as revealed in Rigveda, he reaches the beginning of vedic culture to about 20 to 25 thousand B.C. The book has 15 chapters, a bibliography and a detailed index. Prof. Das has also lucidly described ancient customs, belief and manners of ancient Aryans, Vedic gods, philosophical speculations about the origin of universe, unity in diverse gods and goddesses, yojna, poetry, agriculture, value of cattle, social life sports and a monuments, material arts and vivid glimpses of some of the early stages of ancient Aryan Culture.
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