A History of the Great Revolt (In 3 Volumes)
The saga of 1857 Revolt, the First War of Independence is written with painstaking care, and much toil and tears. It is a historian's account of chain of events and their cascading effects, baring the truth lying buried deep under the official positions and unofficial assertions. Recounting the events, the author even risked stirring up of controversy.
John William Kaye had mountain of important papers in his possession related to Sepoy War, and to add, promises of further assistance from the surviving actors in the hot scene. The story of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 is, perhaps the most signal illustration of our great national character ever yet recorded in the annals of our country. It was a vehement and inordinate self-assertion of the Englishman that produced the conflagration, it was the same vehement self-assertion of Indian people showed in the First War of Independence, the Indians cherish even to the date. It is an engrossing and heart-throbbing narration--a must read for the present day generation of Indians.
Contents: Vol. I: Preface. Book I. Introductory: 1. The conquest of the Punjab and Pegu. 2. The "Right of Lapse". 3. The annexation of Oude. 4. Progress of Englishism. Book II. The Sepoy army: Its rise, progress and decline: 1. Early history of the native army. 2. Deteriorating influences. 3. The Sindh mutinies. 4. The Punjab mutinies. 5. Discipline of the Bengal army. Book III. The outbreak of the mutiny: 1. Lord Canning and His Council. 2. The Oude administration and the Persian War. 3. The rising of the storm. 4. The first mutiny. 5. Progress of mutiny. 6. Excitement in Upper India. 7. Bursting of the storm. Appendix.
Vol. II: Preface. Book IV. The rising in the North-West: 1. The Delhi history. 2. The outbreak at Meerut. 3. The seizure of Delhi. 4. Calcutta in May. 5. Last days of General Anson. 6. The march upon Delhi. Book V. Progress of Rebellion in Upper India: 1. Benares to Allahabad. 2. Cawnpore. 3. The march to Cawnpore. 4. Re-occupation of Cawnpore. Book VI. The Punjab and Delhi: 1. First conflicts in the Punjab. 2. Peshawur and Rawul-Pindee. 3. Progress of events in the Punjab. 4. Delhi--First weeks of the siege. 5. Progress of the siege. 6. The last succours from the Punjab. Appendix.
Vol. III: Preface. Book VII. Bengal, Behar and the North-West Provinces: 1. At the seat of government. 2. The insurrection in Behar. 3. The siege of Arrah. 4. Behar and Bengal. Book VIII. Mutiny and rebellion in the North-West Provinces: 1. Agra in May. 2. Insurrection in the districts. 3. Bearing of the native chiefs. 4. Agra in June and July. 5. Agra in August and September. Book IX. Lucknow and Delhi: 1. Rebellion in Oude. 2. Revolt in the districts. 3. Lucknow in June and July. 4. The siege of Delhi. 5. Capture of Delhi. Appendices and addenda.
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