Devi Puran
The object is to portray the Divine mother Devi as the supreme manifestation as she seceded in overpowering asuras which even the Trimurty-Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva-were unable to defate in battle. The universe is described as a mere speck of dust of the Devi's feet. So great is her transcendent glory that its reflection is seen in the cosmic powers of the Trimurty.
Like an actor assumes various roles, the Devi also assumed various forms like Durga, Kali and Chandrika to root out evil.
The uniqueness of Devi distinguishing her from other deities lies in fact that bestowing freedom from fear and grating more than what a devotee aspires foe are in her very nature. She is the world Mother and the primal power, omni present, omni potent and infinite.
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Like an actor assumes various roles, the Devi also assumed various forms like Durga, Kali and Chandrika to root out evil.
The uniqueness of Devi distinguishing her from other deities lies in fact that bestowing freedom from fear and grating more than what a devotee aspires foe are in her very nature. She is the world Mother and the primal power, omni present, omni potent and infinite.
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