The Illustrated History of South India: From Prehistoric Times to the Fall of Vijayanagar
K.A. Nilakanta Sastri's A History of South India has the distinction of being the basic political narrative on pre-colonial South India for over five decades. This special illustrated edition of the classic work showcases Sastri's unmatched grasp over a wide variety of primary sources (Sanskrit and Tamil), his interpretative acumen, and his interdisciplinary approach to the study of history.
A Champakalakshmi's Introduction emphasizes Sastri's unique contribution and continuing relevance while critically analyzing his work in the context of subsequent developments in historiography. Covering similar ground, P.M. Rajan Gurukkal details the value of the illustrated edition in the light of the work of key scholars and the growth of the discipline.
The rich visual contents - sixty new illustrations and the redrawn maps and genealogical charts - together with the additional contextual material by two renowned scholars of South Indian history make this edition comprehensive and up to date for students and teachers of South Indian history as well as lay readers.
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A Champakalakshmi's Introduction emphasizes Sastri's unique contribution and continuing relevance while critically analyzing his work in the context of subsequent developments in historiography. Covering similar ground, P.M. Rajan Gurukkal details the value of the illustrated edition in the light of the work of key scholars and the growth of the discipline.
The rich visual contents - sixty new illustrations and the redrawn maps and genealogical charts - together with the additional contextual material by two renowned scholars of South Indian history make this edition comprehensive and up to date for students and teachers of South Indian history as well as lay readers.
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