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Energy and Environment in India

K. Gupta (Author)
Synopsis This work, written by an eminent author, has deep bearing on several aspects of energy and environments. His main thrust in eighteen chapters is on fuel, petroleum products, tariffs, industries, coal-power, sugar mills, cement industry, steel plants, nuclear development, electrical conservation and environments. The author is much concerned about the fact how planning for energy, especially power generation was earnestly taken up after independence in all the Five Year Plans. The book would be useful addition to the catalogue of academic institutions as well as the teachers, scholars and students in India and abroad.
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About the author

K. Gupta

Dr. K. Gupta is professionally a Sigma Management and energy Consultant and his writings are based upon his long consultancy experience. His main aim is to enable th industries to have their entire own generation plants and developing rural power houses to meete rural power requirements. The other aim is to reduce primary energy by about 20 to 30 per cent in almost all sectors of economy. Besides it will improve cost efficiency of conventional power projects through national government policies. Thus, the author has given us useful material for framing energy policies for a developing country. He also suggested methods for reducing power costs and tariffs.

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Bibliographic information

Title Energy and Environment in India
Author K. Gupta
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121207886
length 264p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.