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Meera: The Divine Incarnation

A P Sharma (Author)
Synopsis Meera's life story listed in this book is more than a historical event. It contains her emotional, religious and devotional character, which seems to be unparalleled in every aspect. Her life is so fascinating that it will continuously sustain the reader's interest and create a desire in him/her to finish it in one sitting. Meera wrote around more than 1312 pads (poems) in her own language. Some of her pads that the author has translated into English will surely provide the reader a clearer vision to understand Meera's emotional state of mind and depth of her attachment towards Krishna. In fact, she has written them with extreme emotional intensity. They seem to be poured out from the depth of her heart. They touch every human heart every time without fail. Meera created a tradition of her own, which cannot be compared to any one's writings. In that respect she will always be considered great and unparalleled. Keeping that in view the reader will find the book not only interesting but also inspiring.
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About the author

A P Sharma

A.P. Sharma, born at Dholpur, Rajasthan on 25th Dec., 1932, graduated from Agra College at Jaipur and obtained post-graduate degree in English literature. He also obtained post-graduate degrees in Education and Philosophy in 1966 and 1969 respectively, as also Ph.D. in Eduation and Philosophy from the Rajasthan University. After serving the Department of Education in Rajasthan University for almost 15 years, he procedded to Nigeria to join Sokoto University as a Senior Lecturer and became Associate Reader at the University before he left for India around 1985. The same year, he was appoionted Principal of RMV College of Education at Udaipur. After a couple of years, he shifted to IASE Vidhabhawan, Udaipur and joined there as a Professor of Educatioinal Philosophy. Later on, he also visited Willamette University at Salem, Orewgon, USA. So far he has written 22 books and 65 articles. He has guided seven Ph.D. scholars successfully.

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Bibliographic information

Title Meera: The Divine Incarnation
Author A P Sharma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sarup & Sons
Language: English
isbn 8176253197
length 118p.