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Macroeconomic Analysis (In 2 Volumes)

M.K. Ghadoliya (Author)
Synopsis The book covers an broad Canvas of macroeconomics. During recent past UGC decided to update the curriculum in order to maintain standard of higher education, all over the country. The new syllabi developed by UGC makes it more useful and job oriented in the multifaceted environment of today's world. I noticed that students of economics at large are finding it difficult to access the subject mater as it was scattered and therefore, decided to bring out this edition to fill the gap in the available knowledge and classroom teaching. A large number of topics have been introduced and almost all the existing topics have been amplified and more adequately discussed. I have no doubt that the book substantially improved as it will meet the requirements of the undergraduate students far more satisfactorily of Indian Universities offering B.A./B.Com. (Pass) and B.A./B.Com. (Hons.) Programmes. The book will also prove useful for students appearing at various competitive examinations such as RAS, IAS, banks probationary officers and students of management studies.
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About the author

M.K. Ghadoliya

Dr. M.K. Ghadoliya is Professor and Head, Department of Economics at Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota (Raj.). Dr. Ghadoliya has keen interest in writing for students. He himself has contributed significantly in the study material developed for M.Phil and M.A. Economics students of the Open University besides editing and supervising the curriculum designing.

Dr. Ghadoliya has the following books to his credit:

1. Structure of Employment Earnings and Assets in India, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 1986

2. Economic Organisation, Himalya Publishing House, Mumbai, 1987

3. Yield Salinity Relationship, Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, 2000

4. Macro Economics, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur, 2003

5. Training and Development: Issues and Strategy, RBSA Publishers, 2006

A scholar of outstanding ability with distinct academic career he has been serving academic community for last 35 years. He has contributed, books reviews, research papers. He has attended a large number of regional, national and international workshops, seminars and conferences and presented papers at many of them. Nearly half a dozen researchers have benefited by his scholarly guidance and have already been awarded Ph.D. degree.

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Bibliographic information

Title Macroeconomic Analysis (In 2 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 25.07.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher RBSA Publishers
Language: English
isbn 9788176114127
length viii+viii+594p., Tables; Figures; 25cm.