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Rationality in Astrology: Planets in the Sky

S.S. Gola (Author)
Synopsis This book will be an eye opener not only for astrological scientists but for other scientists also. Lord Krishna said "KALENEH MAHATA YOGONASHTA PRANTAP" "Some invaluable yoga got lost or decayed on account of lapse of time." Our preceptors were spiritual leaders as well as scientists. The world Rishi itself means an inventor. These sages did their research based on scientific observations and recorded their findings in the Vedas and other ancient texts. Whatever was conceived in the form of a science was highly complex. In the interest of mankind however these sages translated their findings in a language which could be understood by non-scientists also. It is a sad fact that links between knowledge are missing. A commerce graduate knows little about science and vice versa. In astrological field most of the astrologers do not know science. Those who known science do not know astrology. Those who know both have not tried to link it.
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About the author

S.S. Gola

At present, the Director of courses in Astrology, Dr. S.S. Gola is one of the founder faculty members of the Astrological Teaching Academy. The courses are conducted under the supervision of Astro Science Research Organisation.

Reputed for his command over Remedial Measures, he is an expert at the intiation of Mantras. His articles are found in various astrological magazines all over India just as his disciples who are spread all over the country. Besides this, he is also a doctor of Naturopathy.

Amongst his achievements are: A shield of recognition by Shri Arjun Singh (the then Commerce Minister) in August 1987 Twice honoured by The then President of India, Giani Zail Singh, he has received the titles of 'Jyotish Martund' in Dec 89 and 'Jyotish Ratan' in March 1991. He has won many more titles and normally presides over the 'Remedial Measures Session' convened by many organizations.

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Bibliographic information

Title Rationality in Astrology: Planets in the Sky
Author S.S. Gola
Format Softcover
Date published: 02.07.2003
Edition 2nd ed.
Publisher Gola Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8187355019
length xiv+86p., Tables; Plates; Figures; 22cm.