Multiculturalism: Public Policy and Problem Areas in Canada and India
The compendium examines and addresses the governance of cultural diversity in multicultural societies of Canada and India in a post-colonial setting of functioning democracies. In contrast to India, a civilization society, Canada is a settler society with immigrants constituting a key resource for its nation-building. While the 1988 Canadian Multicultural Act celebrates cultural diversity, the 1950 Constitution of India promises to create and sustain a multicultural India. The Constitutional stipulations have reduced-though not eliminated-cultural majoritarianism and assimilationist tendencies in Indian society. However, Canada's model of Multi-culturalism provides for integration of immigrants and refugees to participate in the public domain and extends equal citizenship rights to all. After more than thirty years of the official Multicuralism policy in Canada and sixty years of recognition of Constitutional rights to various minorities and marginalized groups in India, many common questions with regard to unity, diversity, equity, access to political power and economic resources, minority and citizenship have been raised. Multicultural states like Canada and India face greater challenges in the post-9/11 era with its clash of civilization ideology promoting cultural intolerance and ethnic tensions. An attempt has been made to address these questions by fourteen leading Canadian and Indian scholars of Jawaharlal Nehru University and Montreal University in the compendium. Faculty, students, decision-markers or people working in multicultural institutions interested in ethnic relations will find this compendium insightful and interesting.
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Marie Mc Andrew