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Ecology and Global Warming

Sarvotam Kumar (Author)
Synopsis The issue of Global Warming is attracting World wide attention. It is feared that due to global warming, there like be wide spread floods, landslides and environmental changes, which can pore danger to a large number of people of the world Planet Earth is in real danger and the United Nations is aware of about the problem. The dangers of global warming are more frightening to the developing world including India.
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About the author

Sarvotam Kumar

Dr. Sarvotam Kumar did his MSC in Chemistry from Merrut University and did his Ph.D. from the same University. Later he went on deputation to government of Nigeria and took up university work. Dr. Kumar later returned to India and has been doing consultancy work and is associated with many industrial organisations at present. He lives in Dehra Dun.

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Bibliographic information

Title Ecology and Global Warming
Date published: 29.06.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788190634465
length viii+318p., Tables; Index; 22cm.