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Shah Rukh Can

Mushtaq Shiekh (Author)
Synopsis Shah Rukh Khan is not a superstar because of his looks, or because he is the best actor we have or even because of the energy he has of a treadmill. Shah Rukh is a superstar because of his great connectivity. He becomes a member of your family. People don't go to see a Shah Rukh Khan film to watch a star perform; they go to see a family member succeed. He has the knack of making you feel that he lives with you, that he is just an arm's length away. And he connects in the same way with a million people all over the world……This book is my journey with the man. Call it a travelogue, call it arresting happiness in pages, or call it an attempt to catch times passed. Call it anything you wish. The last time I called it Still Reading Khan, for that’s what happens with a man like Shah Rukh. His boundless energy has defied definitions. By the time you think you got the sum of the man, he shakes loose of the tag, and he is far ahead of you, onto new paths. So who is the real Shah Rukh Khan? Is he the one who spends two hours in the loo because he likes his own space? Is he the one who likes toys more than his own son does or the one who says I' ll be back in five minutes and returns five days later? Or is he the man who, when guests come to his house, spends more time dropping them to the door than greeting them in? Does the real Shah Rukh expose his soul when he plays with his dogs, his kids or talks to his wife? Or will you find him in the actor who'd rather his film flops as long as he lose in his game of Pictionary? Does the real Shah Rukh want to own so much space because he felt the lack of it all through his childhood, or is his inherent need not to make a home for his family but a castle, because family is all he actually has?
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About the author

Mushtaq Shiekh

Mushtaq Shiekh has been an integral part of the high profile world of films in India – with a career spanning over fourteen years. It was with the pseudonym Shiekhspear that  Mushtaq Shiekh had launched his career and began his affair with the pen, which over the years transformed into the intimacy of an extra marital affair albeit with the laptop. His first brush with the film industry was as a cub reporter with G magazine when he was just 16. He moved to Star & Style and became the youngest editor of a film magazine. The past few years have witnessed Mushtaq move away from the commentator's box and don the colours of the film world as a player on the field, turning from a scribe into a scriptwriter. His scripts have been televised on the national and other satellite channels as serials and telefilms such as Kahin Toh Hoga, K Street Pali Hill, Kya Haadsa Kya Haqeeqat, Kehna Hain Kuch Mujhko, Kahaani Ghar Ghar ki, Kasauti Zindagi Ki. Mushtaq Shiekh's resume includes his highly acclaimed work as a screenplay writer for Om Shanti Om and Barber. Despite being hard at work on scripting for the silver screen, he has kept his interests in television alive with his creative products such as the first of its kind mytho-social serial on Indian television – Mata Ki Chowki. This internalization of the film world also led to his first non-fiction work done for close friend Shah Rukh Khan – The Making of Asoka. This was the first book on the making of an Indian film, and went on to become a trend setting bestseller. It was released by the then President of India, K R Narayanan. As a worker bee, in this honeycombed industry, first as a scribe and then as a colleague, Mushtaq Shiekh has built close friendships within the film community and has come to regard several colleagues as an extended family. One such valued member is Shah Rukh Khan. The close proximity to Shah Rukh’s world and as a fellow traveller for a good part of both their lives, led to destiny choosing him to be the one who would chronicle the story of Shah Rukh Khan's journey. The author lives in Bandra, Mumbai, India with his mom, dad, two sisters, brother-in-law and cute nephew, Zidane. His immediate family is his Life Coach, Bageera – the all black beautiful Labrador. His other close relatives are his pet goat "Blimby" (pronounced as Limmy), the shimmering gold fish "Iquara" and the parrot "Envy". The latest addition to this circle is the turtle which refuses to move lovingly named "Inertia".

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Bibliographic information

Title Shah Rukh Can
Format Softcover
Date published: 08.05.2009
Edition Ist ed.
Language: English
isbn 8187108573, 9788187108573
length 359p., B/w & Colours Plates; 23cm.