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Handbook on Rare Earth Metals and Alloys (Properties, Extraction, Preparation and Applications)

N / A (Author)
Synopsis The increasing significance of the rare earth elements in science and technology, backed by the now ready availability of the metals and their alloys in a high state of purity. The lot of metals and alloys called rare earth are lying in the earth which required to be processed. The book covers occurrence of rare earth, resources of the world, production of lithium metals, compounds derived from the metals, chemical properties of beryllium, uses of selenium, derivation of molybdenum metals, ore concentration and treatment and many more. This is a unique book of its kind, which will be a great asset for scientists, researchers, technocrats and entrepreneurs.
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Bibliographic information

Title Handbook on Rare Earth Metals and Alloys (Properties, Extraction, Preparation and Applications)
Author N / A
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2009
Edition Ist ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788178330488
length 688p.