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The Indian Renaissance: India's Rise After A Thousand Years of Decline

Sanjeev Sanyal (Author)
Synopsis One thousand years ago, India was at the height of its power, influencing the world with its ideas and trade. Now, ten centuries later, India's recent economic performance is once again attracting world attention as the country re-awakens not just as an economy but as a civilization. In The Indian Renaissance : India's Rise After A Thousand Years of Decline, Sanjeev Sanyal looks at the processes that led to ten centuries of decline. He also examines the powerful economic and social forces that are working together to transform India beyond recognition. These range from demographic shifts to rising literacy levels and, the most important revolution, the opening of minds and changed attitude towards innovation and risk -- fundamental, if India is to take advantage of the twenty-first century.This book is about India at the crossroads, its passage to this point, the obstacles that it still needs to negotiate and the future that it may enjoy. Are Indians ready to take the risk required to move forward and take advantage of where they are today? Or will they hold back and lose the impetus? With clarity, understanding and insight, the author tells the story from the perspective of the new generation of Indians who have emerged from this great period of change.
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Bibliographic information

Title The Indian Renaissance: India's Rise After A Thousand Years of Decline
Format Hardcover
Date published: 28.11.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 670082629
length vi+230p.