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The Complete Health-Food Guide

Robert N.D. Morse (Author)
Synopsis This book covers the A-Z of Detoxification including: Why do it? When to do it? What to expect? How it works, and how long it takes. Explains the uses of specific raw foods and herbs for cleansing and healing every organ, system and unbalanced condition in the body. Details the interface of body, mind and soul in the achievement of lifelong health. Includes dozens of easy-to-use references: lists of herbs, properties of foods and minerals, etc. It contains a detailed index, broad-based resource guide; and extensive glossary and biography.
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Bibliographic information

Title The Complete Health-Food Guide
Format Hardcover
Date published: 22.09.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pentagon Press
Language: English
isbn 9788186505731
length 300p.