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Peace of Mind

Hari Datt Sharma (Author)
Synopsis Peace of mind does not just mean soothing, your mind. It also does not mean escaping ,into a dream world. It means your most effective involvement in a real world. In fact, peace of mind greatly increases our intellectual power and enables us to think rationally and in a better way. Hari Dutt Sharma has written this book in a unique poetic style that could be termed as Elated Prose which makes it most interesting for you. It tells you how peace of mind can be attained through fighting the negative emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred and greed etc. Compounded with its simplicity and down-to- earth approach, it leads you to discover the enemies of peace and leads you to attain inner peace.
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Bibliographic information

Title Peace of Mind
Format Softcover
Date published: 16.09.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pustak Mahal
Language: English
isbn 9788122300765
length 174p.