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Historical Dictionary of Pakistan

Shahid Javed Burki (Author)

Since its creation in 1947, Pakistan has repeatedly been in the news due to its frequent and turbulent internal upheavals which include military coups, internal dissension, and economic successes and setbacks. Pakistan has also been involved in its share of dramatic external events; the country’s partition, its wars with India, the Afghan resistance, to name a few. Given its size and location, Pakistan plays an important role both in South Asia and in the Islamic world. Thus, events in Pakistan can have a very significant impact in the region and sometimes farther afield. These facts undergrid the value of the Historical Dictionary of Pakistan. The book reaches back into history to explain how and why Pakistan was founded; it sheds light on the country’s economy and political system; it provides insight into its social and cultural conditions; it profiles the sometimes towering figures who have led the country. And it does so through concise and informative entries organised in an easy-to-refer A-to-Z format. The information packed in the dictionary is placed in context by a chronology and the author’s over-arching introduction. A rich bibliography offers guidance to those seeking more detailed information on different aspects of Pakistan. Written by a Pakistani economist and scholar with an intimate knowledge of the country, Historical Dictionary of Pakistan is a terrific ready-reference resource for scholars and students, political scientists and political commentators, journalists, diplomats and regional analysts, general public of South Asia and the travellers to the region, offering them solid background to better understand contemporary Pakistan.

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About the author

Shahid Javed Burki

Shahid Javed Burki has graduate degrees in Physics and Economics from Punjab, Oxford and Harvard Universities. He joined the Pakistani Civil Service in 1960 and served as Economic Advisor in the Ministry of Commerce. He joined the World Bank in 1964 and served as Director of the China Department and then as Vice President of its Latin American and Caribbean division. He was also Economic Advisor in the interim government of Pakistan, 1996-97.

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Bibliographic information

Title Historical Dictionary of Pakistan
Format Softcover
Date published: 02.09.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170945402
length 456p.