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Social and Political Movements for Human Rights

Wasiyoddin R Mujawar (Author)
Synopsis The present title "Social and Political Movements for Human Rights" is a distinction is frequently drawn between civil and political rights--seen as justiciable and forming the starting point of any democratic state and its political and civic life-and economic, social and cultural rights that are seen as non-justiciable and whose realisation is believed to be possible over a period of time due to the resources required for their implementation. However, traditional ideas about the nature of rights and the corresponding obligations have been under challenge for a long time, and a more sophisticated understanding of the nature of the rights and the attached obligations has emerged within the United Nations and in various countries including India. For example the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has clarified that some aspects of economic, social and cultural rights especially the obligation of non-discrimination is directly implementable.
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About the author

Wasiyoddin R Mujawar

Dr. Wasiyoddin R Mujawar born in 1965 did his Masters in Social work from Marathwada University, Aurangabad. He obtained his Ph.D in Sociology from S.R.T.M. University Nanded. He is the president of Sarvodaya Educational and Voluntary Association (SEVA) and executed a number of action projects funded by various agencies. Presently he is wroking as a Lecturer in Jawaharlal Nehru College of Social Work CIDCO, New Nanded.

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Bibliographic information

Title Social and Political Movements for Human Rights
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.08.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8190665001
length viii+304p.