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The Materia Medica of Nosodes with Provings of The X- Ray

H.C. Allen (Author)
Synopsis Concerning the character of this book, Nosodes, it may be said that Dr. Allen first, last all the time, regarded these drugs as homoeopathic and not as isopathic, remedies; that they were to be proved as homoeopathic remedies and prescribed according to the totality of the symptoms. The preliminary remarks, preceding the drugs treated in this book, tell all that we know concerning the source of the Provings. Dr. Allen placed great store by this, his final work, which he we believe considered his greatest. This is unique listing of several nosodes. Appx. 45 remedies (nosodes, sarcodes and miscellaneous ones like X- ray and South Pole of the Magnet) in great detail. A complete book of Nosodes, covers in details the characteristics of Nosodes. Most extensive work on the subject.
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About the author

H.C. Allen

Henry C. Allen was born October 2, 1836 in the village of Nilestown, near London Ontario. He was a descendant of the Revolutionary War hero, Ethan Allen. He studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario, Canada and received his homeopathic training at Western Homeopathic College (AKA Cleveland Homeopathic College) in Cleveland, Ohio where he graduated in 1861. After his graduation, he entered the Union Army, serving as a surgeon under General Ulysses S. Grant. After the Civil War Allen accepted the professorship of Anatomy at Cleveland and first started the practice of medicine. He later resigned this post to accept the same chair at the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. In 1875 he moved to Detroit and was appointed Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1880. In 1892 Allen helped found the Hering Medical College and was Dean and Professor of Materia Medica until his death. During his tenure, he was respected and loved as few men are during their lives. Allen was a member of several homeopathic societies including the AIH, IHA, and ones in England and India. In fact, Allen remained a member of the AIH to the end, where he upheld Hahnemannian principles, particularly in materia medica at their meetings and discussions. He was owner and editor of the Medical Advance for many years. Dr. Allen sustained his youthfulness and vitality in his later years. Even into his seventies he was as active and as physically vigorous as men half his age. Known for his quick wit he was welcomed at gatherings for his lively repartee and engaging anecdotes. Dr. Allen passed away on January 22, 1909 after working all day and seeing patients in the evening. Until his last days he was constantly working for the benefit of homeopathy.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Materia Medica of Nosodes with Provings of The X- Ray
Author H.C. Allen
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.05.2004
Edition 2nd ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170214165
length vi+583p.