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Archeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: The Upper Ganga (Oudh, Rohilkhand, and the Doab)

Dilip K Chakrabarti (Author)
Synopsis Based on archeological field-work for six seasons (1999-2001, 2002-5), this book examines the problems of ancient political units, urban centres, and routes of the upper Ganga plain between Pratapgarh in the south and the foothills of Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand) in the north. This also examines how the links were maintained between this Himalayan belt and the plains, and what could be the general period by which the Himalayan pilgrim-spots of this sector came into focus. This book and the earlier one on the archeological geography of the lower and the middle Ganga plain sum up the Author's observations on the historico-geographical survey of the Ganga plain which he conducted for fourteen field seasons beginning in 1991. In many ways these books demonstrate how it is possible to gain insights into the ancient historical reality of a region by going over the modern ground with a feel for the land, historical understanding, and the scholarship to back it. This is a path-breaking effort in Indian archeology.
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About the author

Dilip K Chakrabarti

Dilip K. Chakrabarty is University lecturer in south Asian archaeology at Cambridge University. His recent publications include Archaeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: the Lower and the Middle Ganga (Delhi 2001) and The Archaeology of European Expansion in India: Gujarat, c. 16th-18th Centuries (in Press). His current field-research programmes include a historical geographical study of the upper Ganga plain and a similar study of the routes which linked the Ganga plain with the Deccan.

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Bibliographic information

Title Archeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: The Upper Ganga (Oudh, Rohilkhand, and the Doab)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 09.02.2008
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788121511858
length xiv+246p., Figures; Maps; References; Index; 25cm.