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Technological Transformation and Development in the South

Surendra J. Patel (Author) Krishna Ahoojapatel (Editor) Henry Veltmeyer (Editor)
Synopsis Preface. Acknowledgements. Foreword. Introduction. I. Systems in transition: the historic context: 1. The world economy in transition, 1850--2060. 2. The taming of capitalism: the historic compromise. 3. Development and south-south cooperation. 4. The golden age of the South's development. II. Asia on the world stage: 5. External dependence and foreign cooperation: the struggle for self-reliance in India. 6. India's 'Hanuman' leap into globalization. 7. East Asia's explosive development: its relevance for theory and practice. 8. Financial upheaval in East Asia. III. Technology and development: the pivot of systemic transformation: 9. Technological distance between nations and the dynamics of 'Catching-up'. 10. The technological transformation of the third world: major issues. 11. From Santiago de Chile (1972) to the dawn of the third millennium. 12. New paradigms for the third millennium. About the editors. Index.
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Bibliographic information

Title Technological Transformation and Development in the South
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.11.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8131302262
length xxii+306p., Tables.