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Education in India (Volume III)

Shubha Tiwari (Editor)
Synopsis 'Transformation' is the key word in the educational scenario in India today. Globalisation, privatisation and changing requirements and aspirations demand an innovative approach. In the concept of the knowledge-based society, 'meritocracy' will prevail. There is no alternative to capability. If teachers want to remain relevant in this era of explosion of knowledge, they must continuously and regularly train themselves. Teacher-education is one of the key concepts of today's education. In the present volume, we have presented thought-provoking articles and research papers that define teacher-education and related ideas. Manpower input is the major demand of this segment of education. If things are planned with foresight and implemented with sincerity, there is no reason why education will not bloom in India. We will definitely succeed in establishing a hierarchy-less world order where only merit will prevail.
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About the author

Shubha Tiwari

Shubha Tiwari, M.A., Ph.D., is a faculty member at the Department of English, A.P.S. University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. She edits an annual literary magazine Zenith. She has to her credit about twenty-five published research papers. Currently, Dr. Tiwari is working on the learning of English in teh Vindhya region under a major UGC Research Project. Her areas off interest are interdisciplinary approach to the study of Literature, inspirational literature, recent fiction and women’s studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Education in India (Volume III)
Author Shubha Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 02.09.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126906464
length x+254p., Tables.