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Homoeopathic Care of Mother & Child

Chandgi Ram (Author)
Synopsis A guide book for young mothers. Prepares every mother in family to treat herself and her little ones at home for their minor ailments. This book is not too technical, at the same time, is comprehensive enough for teatment of diseasess.
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About the author

Chandgi Ram

Dr. Chandgi Ram is a diploma holder in homoeopathy & has been practicing for over four decades now. Settled in New Delhi,he originally worked as a central govt. employee at AFHQ .His keen interest in the subject led him to study homoeopathy & currently, he is working on a charitable basis at his residence in Vikas Puri.

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Bibliographic information

Title Homoeopathic Care of Mother & Child
Author Chandgi Ram
Format Softcover
Date published: 14.08.2000
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 8170218691, 9788170218692
length 231p.