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World Great Political Thinkers

Adeep Sen (Author)
Synopsis The present volume covers the lives of people who have contributed greatly in the field of politics and political science and whose deeds are worth mentioning. Personalities from history such as Confucius, Chanakya to contemporary political thinkers are included. Each personality is covered comprehensively, encompassing their personal life, thinking, theories, their impact on society and much more. The personalities profiled in this volume are different as well as similar in many ways. They are economically, ethnically, racially and physically diverse; yet they are also similar in many ways. They faced obstacles. They were dedicated people of courage, stamina, and tenacity; they were talented jugglers of the demands from multiple social roles; and they achieved against the odds.
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Bibliographic information

Title World Great Political Thinkers
Author Adeep Sen
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126130520
length viii+300p.