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Water Resources Management: Conservation & Development

L.K. Tripathi (Author)
Synopsis Along with food and air, water is an essential ingredient without which life cannot survive except for two or three days.  This fact together with other numerous uses of water has made it a much used commodity.  Due to indiscriminate use of water in the past and also due to rising population there remains a scarcity of good quality water.  Looking to the great importance of water and its scarcity, storage and conservation of water is being done through structures like wells, tanks, lakes and dams.  The present book makes an elaborate discussion on properties of water, precipitation, evaporation, run-in and run-off, underground water, storage of water, dams, uses of water and legal as well as scientific aspect of water in a lucid and easy to understand manner.  Being a book concerning everyone, it is a must for every student, teacher and general reader.
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About the author

L.K. Tripathi

L.K. Tripathi is Head of Department of Pollution Studies. He is also M.Sc. in Botany with specialisation in Ecology and Water Management. He has published over 55 research papers in national and international journals and authored/edited many books. He is also reputed editor of Journal of Environment and Water Pollution. He has organised many conferences on the same topic at various places of India. Presently, he is working on two more books on "Ecology and Environment" and "Water Pollution and Soil Management".

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Bibliographic information

Title Water Resources Management: Conservation & Development
Author L.K. Tripathi
Format Hardcover
Date published: 25.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189473158
length viii+306p., Index; 24cm.