Handbook of Tropical Plants
Agriculture is witnessing a gradual change particularly in the cropping system,land use system and input utilization. The quest for higher productivity is leading to the serious problems of soil salinity and high water-table in irrigated areas. All these factors have provided ideal conditions for major trends towards diversification in favour of tropical plants such as fruit plantation crops, spices, vegetables and ornamental crops. Though there are number of new books relating to the agriculture and horticulture of tropics and subtropics but the demand for Macmillan’s Handbook of Tropical Plants, is ever increasing. It is recognized as a standard book, which can be recommended with confidence. This book will be highly useful to all those who are interested in agricultural or horticultural undertakings in the tropics. Thus, this will prove vade mecum to students and academics in the field of Botany and Agricultural sciences besides the botanists and scientists in the field.
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