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Towards Awareness

Hemant Chopda (Author)
Synopsis This book is written from a psychological perspective by the author sighting examples from Jainism.  A critical view by the author creates a conflicting note in the text while explaining the crossing paths of the atheists and the religious people.  The analysis of the blind followings as explained by the author is the key to understanding his views.  On a high note, the journey towards awareness is not as easy as it seems, full of trials and tribulations it starts from within.
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About the author

Hemant Chopda

Author Hemant Chopda is born and brought up in Jaini Culture. Since last 15 years he has been studying and observing the various behavioural aspect of the people who are religious and people who are atheists. In the year 2004 he secured a degree in Counseling & Psychotherapy after a detailed study of psychology and its various branches. His deep understanding to the subject matter has been recognized in the form of an award bestowed upon him while he was still continuing his studies. He was still continuing his studies. He even worked as caseworker and as support personnel. At present the author is working independently as a counselor, analyst and a therapist.

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Bibliographic information

Title Towards Awareness
Author Hemant Chopda
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 817533097X
length xii+348p., 24cm.