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Saivism: Under the Imperial Colas

Sita Narasimhan (Author)

The present book on Saivism under the Imperial Colas as revealed through their monuments is the revised version of the doctoral thesis of Dr. Sita Narasimhan. For this purpose, the author undertook extensive fieldwork in the entire stretch of the Kaviri delta with her guide and Dr. R.K.K. Rajarajan. The book consists of the text, line drawings, a rich photographic album and bibliography. The book is in seven chapters, dealing with the following aspects: Historical setting of the Colas, beginning with Vijayalaya to Rajaraja III. A bird's eye view of the Cola temples based on the survey made by S.R. Balasubrahmaninan. Iconographic programme in Cola temples under the early, middle and later Colas, pointing out the stages of evolution. The Saivite pantheon as reflected in the Cola monuments. reflecting on the status of Saivism under the Colas. It presents a statistical account of the status of the various iconographical forms of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. The statistical analysis is the most vital part of the book.  Ritual orientation of the Siva temples. An examination of Saivism in retrospect. Saivism and its factions such as the Kalamukhas Kapalikas. The book is an important exposition of the subject valuable not only for academicians, art-historians, archaeologists, orientalists, researchers and libraries, but also to the lay readers.

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Bibliographic information

Title Saivism: Under the Imperial Colas
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8188934321
length xviii+197p., Tables; Figures; References; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 26cm.