Antiquities of Gandhamardan Mountain in Orissa
The Book "Antiquities of Gandhamardan Mountain in Orissa" is the thesis on the merit of which the degree of Ph.D was awarded to the author. The book is a comprehensive and critical treatment of the cultural and civilization of ancient and medieval periods of the South Kosala Kingdom, i.e. the modern western Orissa region as per the available records. The people of Western Orissa during medieval period constructed innumerable temples of sustained quality and in remarkable homogenous style. Indeed the area of Western Orissa during medieval times provides are of the fine expressions of Indian temple architecture. This book expresses the architectural style prevalent in this region during medieval periods with a specific reference to the Narasingha Nath temple. A penetrating and profusely illustrated work. In begins with the survey of the sources, geographical features of ancient South Kosala Kingdom ; the history and the religious climate of the ancient and medieval periods. It then concentrates on an analysis of the architectural and sculptural features, the development of Kosali style and Kalings style of temple architecture. The main aspect and focus of this dissertation is the location of the Jagaddola Buddhist Vihar at Bhojpur Garh. The last chapter combines the sequences provided by architecture and sculpture with the information that has been collected from the study of inscriptions, history and religion to yield the final conclusions on the archaeological remains at Gandhamardan Mountain.
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