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A History of Fishes

J.R. Norman (Author)
Synopsis The last century saw a great leap forward the struggle for women's human rights. In many countries women won the right to take part in government, though in some. They did not. Many women acquired an economic independence and social status unthinkable a hundred. A few countries have adopted constitutio0ns or legislation banning discrimination on the ground of gender. But women are still treated as second-class citizens all over the world. By the end of the last century, women comprised two-thirds of the world's on million illiterate people. Women continue to bear the double burden of work and childcare, to own and earn less than men, and to be excluded from making decisions over their own bodies. Women are struggling to help their families and communities survive poverty and armed conflict. And in many countries, their still contend with violence in the family, in the community and from the government. This book will be usefull all researchers and teachers in the field of political science, women’s studies and human rights.
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Bibliographic information

Title A History of Fishes
Author J.R. Norman
Format Hardcover
Date published: 22.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8187067187
length xv+463p., Figures; Maps; Index; 24cm.