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Biodiversity of Mangroves

A.B. Chaudhuri (Author)
Synopsis This book, "Biodiversity of Mangroves" is a maiden endeavour of this, or by any other author, to unveil the hidden and rich treasure of biotal, physiographic, tribal, marine, coastal and other resources bringing under one umbrella –"The Mangroves". It also highlights Tiger –Man interaction and rendenvous of innumerable invertebrate and vertebrate fauna, endemic and rare biota of two premier mangrove sites situated at northern and southern apexes of the Bay of Bengal. The author does not merely layout checklists of Plants and animals, birds and fishes, he also beings fourth-facts on site-specific species, species association, endemism, biogeographic and other qualities. The most attractive and realistic aspect of 'Tiger Cult' and Man Tiger interaction of Sundarbans have been brought to light. For the bay Islands, indepth facts n several vanishing tribals, rare and endemic biota, problem and issues of tropical rain Forest and conservation strategy have been identified. Sundarban’s mangrove history remains a sterile subject sans Tiger-Man interaction and without revelation of Tiger’s behavi-oural pattern; Similarly, without the vanishing tribals struggle for existence and stress stricken biotal’s survival history the bay Islands remain in dark. In this field the author takes the pride to being two mangrove forests to light so far not considered by any to discuss under one umbrella. The presentation has bee made mostly from the author's own expe-rience and involvement in scientific work, and his findings in both the areas which have also been recorded in books and various research papers since 1970. The readers are sure to have a realistic conception of the resources, problems and conservation strategy at a glance which is a unique presentation of the author.
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About the author

A.B. Chaudhuri

A. B. Chaudhuri, presently a Consultant Ecologist was a member of Indian Forest Service and served the country in various capacities. As the Director, Forest Survey of India he has done several short term assignments in the National and interational Fields. Besides being the author of eleven books mostly on biota of this region and many technical papers, his significant contribution has been in the field of terrestrial and aquatic ecology, wildlife coservation and management, besides Environmental Impact Assessment and preparation of management plan in various Industrial and mining sites covering about 50 projects all over the Country.

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Bibliographic information

Title Biodiversity of Mangroves
Format Hardcover
Date published: 18.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170354366
length xx+332p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.