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Teaching of Education

Rajni Bala (Editor)
Synopsis The ancient past the teacher' role combines both the aspect of worldly welfare and spiritual gain of the learner. Hence the teacher, the guru, was held in high esteem and 'teaching’ as a task was widely revered. While on the one hand, the teacher was hoped to be the master of certain branch or branches of studies, he was on the other hand to have a high moral character.
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About the author

Rajni Bala

Ms. Rajni Bala is a trained educational consultant, having her post graduation in Psychology and Education from the University of Rajasthan. Worked as a teacher for some time at college level. Currently engaged with her doctoral research besides working as a consultant. Has written many articles on educational issues, published in different media.

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Bibliographic information

Title Teaching of Education
Author Rajni Bala
Format Hardcover
Date published: 18.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Alfa Publications
Language: English
isbn 8189582887
length viii+204p., Tables; Figures; References; 23cm.