Dictionary of Nano Science & Nano Technology
Nano-Science and Nano -technology involve studying and working with matter on an ultra-small scale. One nanometer is one-millionth of a millimeter and a single human hair is around 80, 000 nanometres in width. The technology stretches across the whole spectrum of science, touching medicine, physics, engineering and chemistry. Scientists, for example, are looking at whether nanotechnology could be used to improve the delivery of cancer fighting drugs and are examining whether nanoscale carbon could be used to increase the power and speed of computer circuits. The aim of this dictionary is to provide readers with an integrated understanding of the subject areas of nano-Science & Nano-Technology. This dictionary is one of its kinds in terms of its coverage, scope, elaboration, usefulness and futuristic perspective. This subject guide is designs to assist students in locating information on a particular topic. It is an introduction to basic resources that are available in a specific subject area, This dictionary tends to cover the aforementioned subject areas in their broadest possible terms. All useful supplementary research and reference tools have been included for readers' further investigations in the subject area of nano-science & nano –technology.
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