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Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology

V.B. Sakhare (Author)
Synopsis Reservoir management strategy takes into account the prevailing environmental varieties and it comprises both capture and culture fisheries norms. Indian reservoirs are Spread over various geoclimatic regions and their drainage represent different types of catchment areas. Besides, the varying design and purpose of dams make the reservoirs different in their hydrographic and morphoedaphic different in their hydrographic and morphoedaphic characteristics. All these diversity frustrate the efforts to evolve a common management strategy that can be universally applied to Indian reservoirs. Researches conducted in selected reservoirs, selected as types, help is in arriving at common strategies for a group of reservoirs. Yeldari reservoir is one such water body that could represent several of Indian reservoirs. Therefore, fisheries and several of Indian reservoirs. Therefore, fisheries and limnological investigations were carried out in this reservoir from October 1999 to September 2001 and the package was evolved to manage its fisheries with a scientific basis. The proposed book will cover the present status of fisheries and limnology of yeldari reservoir in Maharashtra as well as ir reviews the existing literature ion fisheries and limnology of reservoirs. The book will serve as a baseline for any future studies as it will allow fisheries specialists an administrators to evaluate the impacts of future culture enhancements on reservoir fisheries production and yields. The study may also serve as an example for similar studies in the region, either planned or already in preparation. The book will be useful particularly for the post graduate students of ecology, Limnology and zoology and fisheries for reference who are interested to work in the field of reservoir fisheries and limnology.
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About the author

V.B. Sakhare

Dr. Vishwas Balasaheb Sakhare is presently working as a Lecturer in the department if Zoology, Yogeshwari College, Ambajogai (Maharashtra). He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University and Post Graduate course in Inland Fisheries development and Administration form Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata. Besides teaching, he has been engaged in active research. He has done significant work on reservoir fisheries management and limnology and has published 19 research papers in national and international journals, apart from this, over 20 popular articles in science magazines and newspapers. Dr. Sakhare is also an active member of several scientific societies. In recognition of his contributions to limnology, he has been appointed as an Associate editor of ‘Hydrosphere’, a newsletter of Indian Association editor of ‘Sarovar’, a newsletter of South Asia Network on Lakes and reservoirs (SASNETL and R). He is a vice-president of Society for Prevention Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Osmanabad district and also the secretary of Pragati Samagik Vikas Sanstha, a NGO mainly working on environmental issues. He is well known fisheries consultant providing technical guidance to several fisheries co-operative societies engaged in reservoir fishing. He has participated in many symposia and workshops. Dr. Sakhare is also a recognized Post Graduate teacher of Dr. Blasaheb Ambedkar marathwada University. IAAB has bestowed fellowship and a gold medal in recognition of his outstanding contribution towards the advancement of aquatic biology in particular and ecology and environment in general.

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Bibliographic information

Title Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology
Author V.B. Sakhare
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.01.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8185375445
length xiv+187p.